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Copyright (c) 1984 by Daniel L. Roady. All rights reserved.
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║ by ║
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║ Daniel L. Roady ║
│ Introduction │
This is the first in a series of articles describing a
"UNIX" compatible implementation of the "Standard I/O
Library." The library contains the members listed in the
following table and several standard macros for character
│ getchar │ putchar │
│ printf │ scanf │
│ fopen │ fclose │
│ getc │ putc │
│ ungetc │ calloc │
│ cfree │ strlen │
│ strcpy │ strcat │
│ strcmp │ │
This article discusses the printf function. The source
code for this function can be viewed by pressing the Esc
key, followed by the F2 key.
│ Printf Overview │
Printf provides automatic formatting and type
conversions for output to the standard output channel
The printf calling sequence is:
printf(control-string, arg1, arg2 ....);
The parameter "control-string" is actually a character
pointer to a quoted string containing the text to be output.
"Control-string" may additionally contain formatting and
type conversion specifications.
The arguments ( arg1, arg2, etc ) correspond with the
conversion specifications in "control-string."
A fuller discussion of the printf function can be found
in "The C Programming Language" by Kernighan and Ritchie.
│ Printf Source Code package │
The printf package consists of three externally
accessible routines: printf, fprintf, and sprintf. Each
routine performs the same formatting and conversion function
but the output destinations are different. Printf outputs to
stdout; fprintf outputs to a specified file; and sprintf
outputs to a memory buffer.
A typical call to each routine is shown below.
│ #include <stdio.h> │
│ │
│ FILE *fopen(),*fp; │
│ char buffer[133]; │
│ │
│ main() │
│ { │
│ printf("It's a small world.\n"); │
│ │
│ fp = fopen("outfile.txt","w"); │
│ fprintf(fp,"It's a small world.\n"); │
│ fclose(fp); │
│ │
│ sprintf(buffer,"It's a small world.\n"); │
│ } │
The printf package is written as three entry points to
handle the details of the output selection. Each entry point
performs some specific setup on a few global variables and
calls the routine "outf."
"Outf" scans the control-string, searching for a "%"
character. If the character read is not a "%", it is passed
to the output routine "putchar." If the character is a "%",
the succeeding characters are examined and global variables
are initialized to indicate left or right justification, the
pad character, field width, precision, long or short, or the
conversion type. Once the conversion type is determined, the
appropriate parameter is passed to the routine that performs
the particular conversion.
The conversion routines create ASCII strings from their
input parameters. The strings are output, temporarily, to an
internal buffer. The routine "obstore" performs this
function. When conversion is complete, the routine "bfrout"
inserts any necessary padding for left or right
justification and outputs the entire converted field via
"Outf" continues to scan the control-string until the
entire control-string has been searched.
│ File Name: ██ c1.txt ██ │